You are hands down one of the greatest artists of our generation
Ah hell Genc that's insanely nice of you to say. It may sound cheesy but I genuinely don't think I would have kept going with drawing if it weren't for all the inspirational work I see from friends and peers on the daily. I feel this generation really is just chalk full of an insane amount of talent, maybe more folks have access to doing creative work at a young age or maybe the art bug's just innate and we're now just having the time to express it. Whatever the case may be it inspires the hell out of me and gets that fire in the blood. You yourself also deserve the same title by the by, love your art to death man.
post two more pieces and I'll scout you!
Phenomenal scene
This is very charming
Love the lighting here
Thank you! I can't express how difficult it was to get it just right.
Absolutely love the color and linework here, you killed it, the shading and hatching is also so nice, inspirational
Architect; Comic Art
Joined on 11/19/18